How to Update Moodle Profile Picture

Uploading your image as a profile picture helps your instructor put a face to the name. Please ensure the image you upload is school-appropriate.

  1. Login to Moodle
  2. In the top right corner, you should see your name or initials (in a gray circle).  Click the circle to drop down the menu.Expanded dropdown menu of options after clicking on initials
  3. Click “Profile” option and choose “Edit profile” from the user details section."Edit profile" button enclosed in a circle
  4. Scroll down to “User Picture”.  You can upload a photo by clicking the gray down arrow OR by dragging and dropping a file to the box.
    NOTE: Please look at the list of accepted file types below the file upload box.  Photos in any other format will not upload.File drag and drop area with listed of accepted file types, which are .gif, .jpe, .jpeg, .jpg, and .png
  5. Click “Update Profile” at the bottom of the page to save changes.Arrow pointing to "Update profile" button